Wednesday, January 16, 2008

DJ Black "Chucha Su Madre"

My travels abroad have left me amazed at the influence hip-hop has made on an international level. Most of the time I'm quite embarrassed, I must admit, as rap music is no longer represents real life, but instead relies on macho fantasies or female gold digging, both playing out as a modern minstrel show. Once in a while hope is restored through an artist who (usually only with one song goes) beyond shuckin' and jivin and really takes makes the political and economic a tangible tipic for the layman. DJ Black, from Panama, did just did this with his hit "Chucha Su Madre". 
While I must admit I did not like the song at first because it samples Little Vicious's "Freaks" (I'm a music snob. "Oh? You can't create your OWN beats? HATED IT!) and because hearing "chucha" (Spanish word for cunt (in Ecuador) and damn! or f***. It means something different wherever you are in South America) every two seconds grated my nerves. Once I listened to the lyrics, however, I was sold because he speaks the truth creatively.

"Chucha de su madre" or "chucha su madre" literally is your mother's vagina (think of a more vulgar way to say that). Essentially you can substitute this Spanish phrase to mean "(like a) mother f***er", someone who is "screwed" or "out of luck", "f***ed". I tried my best to translate the meaning below. If you see ... below, it refers to one of the many uses of "chucha su madre".

Esta es la cancion del [This is the song about the "screwed"]
chucha de su madre
dedicados pa´ los [dedicated to all the "out of luck"]
chucha de su madre
pa´que lo suenen como [so it sounds like "(like a) mother f***er"]
chucha de su madre
y se pegue de aqui asta la
chucha de su madre

Esta es la cancion del [This is the song about ...]
chucha de su madre
dedicados pa´ los [dedicated to all the ...]
chucha de su madre
pa´que lo suenen como [so they sound like ...]
chucha de su madre
y se pegue de aqui asta la [and they listen to this song until it ends]
chucha de su madre

En el pais hay un problema bien
chucha de su madre [In this country there is a very serious problem]
que no tiene hasta la
chucha de su madre [There is not enough to go around]
que trabajamos como
chucha de su madre [We work ourselves like a  mother f***er]
pa´recibir un sueldo bien
chucha de su madre [To receive a salary that isn't worth a damn]
y cada 4 años se aparece un
chucha de su madre [Every four years an asshole appears]
prometiendo como
chucha de su madre [Making promises like crazy]
pidiendo voto como
chucha de su madre [Asking for votes like crazy]
voten por mi ["Vote for me"]
chucha de su madre [(Look at this  mother f***er)...]
pero [But]
en la asamblea hacen
chucha de su madre [In the political assembly they don't do anything]
no hacen nada por ni un
chucha de su madre [They don't so anything for anyone]
se olvido de todo los
chucha de su madre [They've forgotten about all us ...]
y se roba la plata el
chucha de su madre [And they steal the money, those...]

Esta es la cancion del
chucha de su madre [This is the song about ...]
dedicados pa´ los
chucha de su madre [dedicated to all the ...]
pa´que lo suenen como
chucha de su madre [so they sound like ...]
y se pegue de aqui asta la
chucha de su madre [and they listen to this song until it ends]

mira esto lo que me paso a las una de la mañana [Look at what happened to me at 1 o'clock in the morning]

Espero taxi como un mismo
chucha de su madre [I'm hailing a cab driven by a ...]
y por ser negro no me llevan los
chucha de su madre [And because I'm black the ... won't stop for me]
y a lo lejos se me acercan dos
chucha de su madre [And from afar two  damn cops walk toward me]
cedula ciudadano ["ID please."]
chucha de su madre [ Fuck!]
me llevan pa'l curtel los
chucha de su madre [Those ... take me to jail]
me sueltan a las 4 como
chucha de su madre [The released me at 4o'clock, those ...]
llego a mi casa y la
chucha de su madre [I arrive at home and the ...]
mi mujer tu estavas con una
chucha de su madre [My woman asks, "Were you with a damn woman?"]

Esta es la cancion del
chucha de su madre [This is the song about ...]
dedicados pa´ los
chucha de su madre [dedicated to all the ...]
pa´que lo suenen como
chucha de su madre [so they sound like ...]
y se pegue de aqui asta la
chucha de su madre [and they listen to this song until it ends]

En el pais hay un problema bien
chucha de su madre [In this country there is a very serious problem]
el seguro asta la
chucha de su madre [Social security and insurance is out of control]
los doctores hacen huelga los
chucha de su madre [Doctors are on strike, those ...] {Not sure if he's saying "huelga"=strike or "verga"= dick (doing nothing)}
el dietilenglicol [learn more about dietilenglicol here]
chucha de su madre
mato un poco de viejo el
chucha de su madre [They killed a few old people, those ...]
y los taxi hasta la
chucha de su madre [Taxi cabs are too expensive]
y hasta los buses se prenden
chucha de su madre [The buses work]
y nunca meten preso a ni un
chucha de su madre [And they don't throw any of these guys in jail]
sigue el transporte hasta la
chucha de su madre [Transportation is too expensive]
gasolina hasta la
chucha de su madre [Gas is too expensive]
la comida hasta la
chucha de su madre [Food is expensive]
y el salario en el ghetto hasta la
chucha de su madre [The average salary in the ghetto isn't worth a damn]

Esta es la cancion del
chucha de su madre [This is the song about ...]
dedicados pa´ los
chucha de su madre [dedicated to all the ...]
pa´que lo suenen como
chucha de su madre [so they sound like ...]
y se pegue de aqui asta la
chucha de su madre [and they listen to this song until it ends]

El pais esta creciendo hasta la
chucha de su madre [The country is growing beyond it's capacity]
rantan de edificio como
chucha de su madre [Development and sprawl like you wouldn't believe]
que lindo q bonito los
chucha de su madre ["How nice! How pretty!" say the naive ...]
y quien va ir a vivir hay los
chucha de su madre ["And who do you suppose will live there?" "Those rich ..., brother."]
esto esta hasta la
chucha de su madre [We are so fed up]
todo el mundo sufre como
chucha de su madre [Everyone is suffering like dogs]
el pobre mas pobre hasta la
chucha de su madre [The poor keep getting poorer]
justicia pal´pueblo
chucha de su madre ["Justice for the people"]
'tamos cabria'o hasta la
chucha de su madre [We are angry and fed up]
sufriendo como
chucha de su madre [We are suffering like dogs]
llorando como
chucha de su madre [Crying like]
trabajando como
chucha de su madre [Working like dogs]
y echamos pa´lante como
chucha de su madre [We've got to keep advancing]
ya tu saves. [You know]